Sunday, August 9, 2015

Nine of Wands: Come at Me

I've been feeling like the Julian De Burgh and Mary Guinan's Celtic Nine of Wands lately.  I started my internship at school, and it is intense. Fulfilling, but intense.  It's really made the social work cohort bond together.  
In tarot, the number nine signifies a climax, before the denouement of the ten.  Ten wraps everything up, while nine is a continuation of the heavy action of the situation (represented by the eight), and/or a response to the demands placed by the situation. The Nine of Wands is a call to gather your troops, to hold steady, and to be watchful.    
You don't have to go it alone.  You may be heading towards victory, with support in your corner.  Gather your cheering squad.  Assemble your fleet.  At least you'll know you have people to comfort you if things don't turn out the way you wanted.  

You may be struggling, but you may also feel strong.  You have something to lean on, whether that be  an ideal or a goal.  You've already accomplished quite a bit.  The symbol on the man's pendant is the rune Algiz, which is the rune of protection (a very powerful rune and one of the runes I feel very attached to). The Algiz on the pendant gives a sense of hope. Sometimes,  when I'm looking at the symbol on the pendant, my brain will see the rune Tyr, which stands for steadfastness and strength.  The rune takes its name from the Norse god Tyr, who put his hand in the sun devouring wolf Fenrir's mouth to prove his word.  The Nine of Wands may be telling you to prepare for a similar test.  You may be bleeding, but you will be damned if you let the bastards take you down.  

Freya stands, sharp eyed and determined, before the staves she has erected. What is behind the fence she has made?  On the other hand, she may be standing behind the staves, to protect herself. It does not change her expression.  Sometimes, the best thing to do is watch and wait, and know that you can handle whatever may come.  Like Scar sings, "Be prepared."  
We may be stripped of everything, sitting butt naked in a cell, and still be a BAMF.  Fight the good fight. Anger may be all that keeps you going, but you still have determination, and you still have one weapon left, something that the guards missed.
If you feel everything has been taken from you, what is the one thing you still have? An imagination to help you escape? Righteous anger? You may have more power than you think.
Are you prepared for any eventuality?

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